DuPage ROSC: Empowering Recovery
Embark on a journey into the heart of DuPage Recovery Oriented Systems of Care (ROSC), an integral component of Serenity House's...

Working Through Recovery.
I started using drugs at a very early age. Eventually started using heroin, and it led me to some pretty dark places. I’ve been to...

DuPage Dept. of Health Supports...You.
Serenity House is grateful to have partners and supporters all over the DuPage area. One of the organizations we’re proud to be linked...

There Is Hope For Substance Abuse.
Here at Serenity House, we know this is a tough time, especially for those struggling with substance abuse. We’re here to help you...

It’s National Recovery Month.
September is National Recovery Month. However, at Serenity House, it is the focus of every ounce of work we do, every single day. The way...

You Can Save A Life. Here’s How.
Addiction to recovery. You can save a life. Watch our new video on how you can keep another parent from losing their child to substance abus