January: Embrace Mental Wellness and Recovery
The New Year brings fresh starts and renewed opportunities—a perfect time to prioritize mental wellness & explore ways to support recovery.

Setting Resolutions for Recovery Success
Resolutions don’t have to be big—they’re simply promises to yourself. Set small, achievable goals.

Tips and Strategies for a Fulfilling Sober Summer
The summer's temptations and opportunities to use substances can be overwhelming, but staying sober is entirely achievable.

Breaking the Stigma: Understanding Addiction
Addiction is a complex and often misunderstood condition that affects millions of people and their families worldwide. At Serenity House,...

Tips for Traveling with Sobriety and Serenity
The prospect of travel may stir some anxiety within, especially for those in early sobriety or those reacquainting themselves with the...

Nourishing Your Body and Mind
In honor of National Nutrition Month, we're shining a spotlight on the importance of nourishing our bodies and minds with wholesome foods...

DuPage ROSC: Empowering Recovery
Embark on a journey into the heart of DuPage Recovery Oriented Systems of Care (ROSC), an integral component of Serenity House's...

Have Some Sober Weekend Fun
Navigating weekends in addiction recovery can pose unique challenges. Whether it's the abundance of free time or the temptation to engage...

Breaking the Bet: A Gambling Disorder Workshop
Join us at our upcoming workshop on gambling disorder, where we delve into the intricate facets of this often overlooked issue. Gain...

Celebrating Sobriety: Crafting a Joyful New Year's Eve Gathering
As we stand on the brink of a new year, the desire to embrace it with joy is universal. However, for those traversing the path of...