It’s National Recovery Month.
September is National Recovery Month. However, at Serenity House, it is the focus of every ounce of work we do, every single day. The way...

International Overdose Awareness Day
Serenity House is celebrating International Overdose Awareness Day to spread the awareness of addiction and strengthen the spirit of...

Now Hiring: Peer Support Specialist
Serenity House is growing. To fortify the power of the addiction recovery we offer, we are looking to add to our team. Available...

Recovery Renovations: Naperville Home Upgrades
At Serenity House, we value the feeling of home. That’s why we are so excited to announce the updates made to our three-quarter house in...

Beat Addiction: Our Trek For Change.
Our Trek Against Addiction. And so it begins with a single step, our journey of 24 miles. My family and I have an audacious mission to...

You Can Save A Life. Here’s How.
Addiction to recovery. You can save a life. Watch our new video on how you can keep another parent from losing their child to substance abus