Entering Recovery in COVID-19.
What better time is there than now, National Recovery Month, to get your freedom back?

Overdose Awareness Starts With One Voice.
We’re on our way to Overdose Awareness Day, a date held close to our hearts here at Serenity House. International Overdose Awareness Day...

Show Addiction Some Muscle.
Serenity House continues to serve our community, and we’re overflowing with gratitude to the contributors who help us do that. This is a...

#ILGIVE. Only 24 hours.
Serenity House is grateful to be part of the biggest day of giving for all of Illinois. On December 3, 2019—for only 24 hours—#ILGIVE...

DuPage Recovery For 30 Years.
Serenity House has provided lasting recovery to DuPage County and beyond for over 30 years, successfully blending into and contributing...

Beat Addiction: Our Trek For Change.
Our Trek Against Addiction. And so it begins with a single step, our journey of 24 miles. My family and I have an audacious mission to...