Entering Recovery in COVID-19.
What better time is there than now, National Recovery Month, to get your freedom back?

Show Addiction Some Muscle.
Serenity House continues to serve our community, and we’re overflowing with gratitude to the contributors who help us do that. This is a...

#ILGIVE. Only 24 hours.
Serenity House is grateful to be part of the biggest day of giving for all of Illinois. On December 3, 2019—for only 24 hours—#ILGIVE...

Enjoy Halloween, Sober.
As one of the top drinking holidays of the year, navigating Halloween sober can be frightening in itself. We don't want you to dread...

You Can Save A Life. Here’s How.
Addiction to recovery. You can save a life. Watch our new video on how you can keep another parent from losing their child to substance abus