Recovery: Work In Progress
Serenity House isn’t focused on helping people get sober. We’re focused on helping them stay sober, build their lives, and thrive. In our...

Working Through Recovery.
I started using drugs at a very early age. Eventually started using heroin, and it led me to some pretty dark places. I’ve been to...

DuPage Dept. of Health Supports...You.
Serenity House is grateful to have partners and supporters all over the DuPage area. One of the organizations we’re proud to be linked...

DuPage Foundation On: Serenity House
Here at Serenity House, we are grateful to call the folks at DuPage Foundation our friends. In a recent interview with Barb Szczepaniak,...

Beat Winter Blues.
The majority of our Serenity House staff is born and bred in the Midwest. We personally know how tough the cold winter months can be, and...

Holidays Are Tough.
Serenity House is no stranger to the triggers of the holiday season—no matter how “perfect” they’re painted in movies, ads, and...

A Day of Memorial: Overdose Awareness Day.
Dedicated to those lost. Dedicated to you... Today Serenity House is bringing awareness to the reality of overdose to reduce the stigma...

Overdose Awareness Starts With One Voice.
We’re on our way to Overdose Awareness Day, a date held close to our hearts here at Serenity House. International Overdose Awareness Day...

Our Staff Dedicated To Your Recovery.
The Serenity House staff are highly-qualified professionals consisting of health care professionals, recovery coaches, licensed mental...

Recover In This Challenging Time.
We know these are extremely hard times to have substance abuse problems. Now and always, Serenity House is here to help you. Whether it’s...