As a disease, addiction attacks not just the individual but the whole family. Chemical dependence and substance abuse contribute to domestic violence, the breakup of marriages, and the abuse of children. The abuse of substances leads to more deaths, disabilities, and illnesses than any other preventable health condition in America. This is why your donations make a resounding impact and affect the lives of so many both directly and indirectly. We thank you for the change you’re helping make here at Serenity House and in the world.
The funds shown below are just some of the examples of where your donations go to help.
Indigent Client Benevolence Fund Donation
Helping provide for a client’s first week in treatment.
Eighty-five percent of the clients who come through the doors of Serenity House have no means of support. They have no home, no driver’s license, no health insurance. And they have no hope. They come to us seeking relief from the despair that chemical dependence and substance abuse can bring. They need our help—and yours. Even the most addicted victims can recover, but rarely can they do so alone. They need the support of a community of compassion, and with your help, Serenity House can provide that community and that compassion.
The Serenity House Indigent Client Benevolence Fund assists men and women as they set out on their journey towards a brighter future.
Ninety-five cents out of every dollar contributed directly benefits the men and women enrolled in our programs. Your gift can help to turn desperate lives around.
Medical/Dental/Optical Fund Donation
Chemically-dependent individuals often neglect their most basic medical needs. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) concludes that “effective treatment attends to the multiple needs of the individual, not just his or her addiction” and that “treatment needs to be readily available.”
Serenity House seeks to meet these needs by treating the whole person through the integration of medical care with substance abuse services in a transitional housing setting. This program has helped to provide medical/dental/optical assistance for many of our clients. For those who need significant medical, dental, or optical services, Serenity House breaks down the barriers that have kept them from essential care.
New Building Fund Donation
Since 1985, at Serenity House we have steadily expanded our services and capacity to meet an increasing demand. What was once a four-bed cottage has grown into a state-of-the-art treatment facility serving hundreds of men and women in Extended Residential Care, Recovery Home, and Outpatient services. Having assisted thousands of individuals on the road to recovery, Serenity House is recognized nationally for its compassionate care for the complex needs of its clients. The demand for our facilities and services continues to grow, however, and we now have long waiting lists for our residential programs. Of the 1,250 or more referrals we receive each year, we can accommodate fewer than 300 individuals adequately.
Non-Monetary Donations
We are very grateful for your donation; however, at this time clothing and the items below are all we can accept. We would appreciate all donations be dropped off Monday through Friday between the hours of 8 am and 5 pm—no weekends please. Please see our receptionist for a receipt and our thanks.
Vertical dressers
Night stands
New or clean, neutral colored, twin size sheets, pillowcases, and comforters
Towels (new or clean bath towels, hand towels, washcloths and kitchen towels)
Pillows (must be brand new)
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