Beat Addiction: Our Trek For Change.
Our Trek Against Addiction.
And so it begins with a single step, our journey of 24 miles.
My family and I have an audacious mission to raise over $10,000 by May 1, 2019 for Serenity House in Addison, IL so they can build a fitness and recreational area in the Men’s Home and continue to save lives to those struggling with addiction. My family team and I are doing this in honor of my late son Bud that died of an overdose in June of 2018. And, for all others out there who can relate all too well to this type of tragedy.
Once we hit our goal, we will embark upon a 24-mile journey, rim-to-rim around the Grand Canyon.
We've begun training already as suggested for this “steep and grueling” two-day hike and will camp overnight at the base of the canyon. We’re ready and prepared to make this trek.
I ask that you please sponsor me, and follow me on Facebook as I prepare. Join the movement by donating here. Stay tuned and thank you for your support.
To contact Serenity House, call 630-620-6616.

Reach out to Serenity House: