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Mother's Day in Recovery

Jean lost her son, Bud, to heroin and is convinced that if she had discovered Serenity House sooner, it might have saved his life.

While Mother's Day is a time to celebrate motherhood and all the fantastic things that come with it, it can also be difficult for many people. Mothers with an addicted child may feel guilty, ashamed, depressed, or helpless because they feel like they cannot protect or help their child.

Other mothers may have children in treatment for their addiction. Still, they may feel overwhelmed with worry and unable to provide the necessary support needed as their child works towards recovery. Feelings of uncertainty may consume a mother wondering if their child's sobriety will last or if they will watch them lose their battle with addiction.

Likewise, a mother would drink until she was falling drunk. She knew she needed help when her 10-year-old daughter told her how much she hated her.

An addicted mother may have a complicated relationship with her children, especially on Mother's Day. Children may not know how to celebrate their mom when they feel she loves drugs more than them. How do you dedicate a day to a woman you don't feel like you even know?

Families who find themselves struggling with a situation like this on Mother's Day may focus less on the celebration and more on coping with the addiction and working towards building a relationship in recovery.

At Serenity House, we work with addicted mothers, addicted adolescents, and families. Though there is much heartache along the way, we've also seen the healing that comes with recovery.

Regardless of where you are this Mother's Day, you are not alone, and we are here for you.

"Families require the hope that makes life bearable. I received invaluable support: ears to listen, experts to help us through the pain. The Serenity House team gave my family hope, acceptance, and peace. This support is nothing short of a miracle." — Jean.

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