Show Addiction Some Muscle.

Serenity House continues to serve our community, and we’re overflowing with gratitude to the contributors who help us do that. This is a “we” effort and we appreciate you!
Holding a job is a fundamental part of the process of structured healing for countless reasons. The income it generates helps clients help themselves—and supports us in providing top-quality recovery resources to them.
Donations given through our donations page help clients who have lost their jobs during shelter-in-place orders, and assist in replenishing that cashflow. Your funds allow us to allocate the money to other supportive efforts to bolster their wellness and keep the recovery process in motion.
Help us show addiction some muscle and help change our community for the better by changing lives. These people want to recover, so we can’t thank you enough.
Please stop by our donations page and give what you can.
Thank you!
For more information, call us at 630-620-6616.
Reach out to Serenity House: