Tips for Traveling with Sobriety and Serenity
The prospect of travel may stir some anxiety within, especially for those in early sobriety or those reacquainting themselves with the road. Here are a few invaluable tips to navigate the adventure of sober travel.

Airport Temptations: Layovers and delays often tempt travelers with the allure of airport bars. A global nod within AA allows you to page a 'Friend of Bill W.' to your airport locale for a supportive chat, even if you're not in the program.
Expect the Unexpected: Anticipate triggering events, from troublesome unforeseen delays to lost baggage. Adopting a mindset focused on staying sober and expecting the occasional curveball minimizes the triggering 'shock factor.'
Morning Incentives: Plan morning activities that require a clear head. Incentives like these act as powerful deterrents from succumbing to evening temptations.
Stay Connected: Maintain a strong connection to your support system by setting regular check-in times with sponsors, support groups, friends, and family. Recruit a network to bolster your journey.
Explore Local Culture: Research the local scene for non-drinking activities in advance. Compile a list of must-do activities, steering clear of situations that may lead to the bar. Discover local museums and delve into something new!
In-Flight Strategies: Keep your mouth busy with hard candies or healthy snacks during the flight. Opt for non-alcoholic beverages like water, herbal tea, sodas or coffee.
Journal Your Reasons: Journaling helps reinforce your commitment to sobriety. Remind yourself of the reasons not to drink and the potential risks of intoxicated travel.
Overcoming Fear of Flying: Address the fear of flying with meditation or guided meditations. Trust the laws of aerodynamics and physics to ease the anxiety associated with air travel.
Delay Travel If Needed: Listen to your instincts. If you feel unprepared for travel in your recovery journey, recognize it, and wait until you're ready. Assess the risks and decide if it's worth it.
Embark on your sober travel adventure with confidence. At Serenity House Counseling Services, we celebrate the beauty of a sober journey. If you have stories of life-changing sober trips, please share them with us!
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